Sunday, March 20, 2016

Why Blocking Trump Rallies Backfires

Let's leave Mr. Trump and Secretary Clinton's platforms aside for a moment.

What does it say when you block the road to a Trump rally?

I don't like Communism but it has NEVER OCCURRED to me to block an American Communist Party rally.

Why? Because they aren't relevant. I'm not worried about a Communist takeover. That and I'm a fan of free speech and assembly.

Anyway, by taking such strong action you admit that he's a threat. You announce to everybody in the country that this guy is gaining on you. Backfire.

First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win. Ghandi said that.

I don't really look forward to a Trump presidency. My politics and his don't match well. But the idea that you would try to keep his supporters from assembling is wrong and should be resisted.

Edit: I thought about this. Mr. Trump may be a lot more moderate than he lets on. This occurred to me because I view his handling of the recent Ted Cruz scandal as the work of a master, whatever I may think of the morality of it. I think he's been setting up this Cruz hit for a long time. I say "I" but I didn't really formulate this idea at all. Mike Cernovich did.

Mike Cernovich's twitter feed led me to this article. Trump releases an unflattering picture of Cruz's wife, Cruz fires back and takes the moral high ground... the DAY BEFORE THE SCANDAL BREAKS. Also Mr. Cernovich tells us that Trump had planned a 10 day break from the campaign THE DAY AFTER THE SCANDAL BREAKS.

Maybe Mr. Trump doesn't mean everything he says (as palms slap foreheads across the country... I know, I know). Maybe he uses media better than any candidate ever has. Who knows what a Trump presidency will look like? There's no way of knowing what the man actually plans to do because for him the world is a chessboard. Every statement is calculated for its effect. We're about to make a wild card president.

Cernovich implies that similar bombshells await Secretary Clinton. We'll see.

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