Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cultural Libertarianism

I've been enjoying Dave Rubin's "Rubin Report."  Check out his guiding rules; if the media in general adopted these we would all have a much clearer picture of the world around us. Anyway, he has a theory that the next great political movement will be cultural libertarianism.

I hope so. For me the old "conservative" and "liberal" labels don't apply. I'm a mix of those. The idea that there are authoritarian forces brewing and that those forces should be opposed, though... that I can get on board with.

So I'm a cultural libertarian.

Here is Christina Hoff Sommers on the subject:

My favorite quotes:

"What unites us as Americans, maybe Westerners too, is a love of freedom."

"Right now sort of the bullies have the upper hand, so it's going to be a battle to take the power away from them and give it to where it belongs, to people who are nice, respectful of other people, and who realize that people have different opinions and that's OK, and not to be policing. I don't want these authoritarians here who say they can make the rules... your arguments for censorship and doing away with due process are not going to work. They have been tried before, with unhappy results, so read some history."

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