Sunday, March 8, 2015

Preferred Indiferents: The Folding Blade Box Cutter

My grandfather gave me my first pocket knife. It was a massive Swiss Army knife with a Ford Model T on the side. I treasured that knife. I still have it and it's a very nice reminder of him, though my memories of him are far more precious (thanks, Stoicism!).

These days, for everyday use, I carry a folding blade box cutter. I got mine from Harbor Frieght for something like $5. I've had it for awhile and it still works great.

It has some advantages over a pocket knife:

1. The blade is always sharp (just replace it when it's not)
2. It's cheap, so if I lose it I don't much care (check out Musonius Rufus for more on this)
3. It does everything I would do with a pocket knife (I cut things and whittle the occaisional pencil)

The only disadvantage I've found thus far is that it isn't as useful as a pry bar. The blade tends to break.

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